


Revitilizing Eye Serum N°1 de Chanel  15mL

Enriched with Red Camellia Extract, this refillable serum instantly smooths and restores the look of skin, plus helps protect the delicate eye area. The patent-pending* rotating and cooling applicator offers a gentle massage for a refreshed, wide-awake appearance. The comprehensive gel formula also leaves eyebrows looking fuller.

Immediately, signs of fatigue appear reduced by 35%** and eyes look 83%** more rested. Skin feels 2.52°F*** cooler. After 4 weeks, the appearance of under-eye puffiness is diminished by 17%****. After 8 weeks, the look of wrinkles is decreased by 18%*****, dark circles appear 10%****** less intense and eyes look 19%******* more open.

Tested on all skin types, including sensitive.

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    *Бүх барааг төлбөр төлсний дараа явуулна.

    🔺Тээвэрлэлт ба хүргэлт

    Таны захилгыг бид Токио хотоос Улаанбаатар хот руу баталгаат агаарын тээврээр илгээнэ. Ачаа Монголд очсоны дараа манай ажилтан  гэрийн хаягийн дагуу хүргэж өгнө. Монголд хүргэлт үнэгүй.

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    *Шинэ жил, цагаан сар мөн олон улсын баярын өдрүүд давхцах гэх мэт ачаалал ихтэй үед товлосон хугацаанаас хоцрох тохиолдол гарч болзошгүй тул захиалагч үүнийг ойлгож хүлээцтэй хандаж, эртчилэн захилгаа өгөхийг хүсэж байна.

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  •  Асуулт асуух
  Тээвэрлэлт ойролцоогоор 14 хоног, өнөөдөр захиалбал:  Мяг, 2 сар 18 – Бям, 2 сар 22
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The N°1 DE CHANEL line seeks to minimize its environmental impact with sustainably developed formulas that contain up to 97%******** naturally derived ingredients and up to 76% camellia-derived ingredients. Each product is housed in environmentally sound packaging, without cellophane or paper leaflets, for a reduced carbon footprint. Containers are crafted with lighter-weight glass********* and printed with organic ink**********.

key ingredients

N°1 DE CHANEL responds to the lifestyle of people who are exposed to environmental aggressors, which accelerate the appearance of fine lines and loss of radiance. This next-generation line of beauty products targets the signs of aging with the power of an extraordinary flower: the Red Camellia. After studying the camellia for 19 years, CHANEL Research has harnessed the energy of this bloom to create a potent ingredient that boosts skin’s vitality and protects against oxidative stress to preserve a youthful appearance. The complexion looks glowing and noticeably more beautiful.

N°1 DE CHANEL REVITALIZING EYE SERUM is infused with Red Camellia Extract, which targets the 5 signs of aging and helps defend skin against the damaging effects of pollution. Camellia Yeast Extract helps strengthen barrier function for enhanced hydration and protection. A 3D complex addresses the 3 dimensions of youthful-looking eyes by minimizing the appearance of under-eye puffiness, dark circles and stress lines. Azalea yeast extract thickens the look of eyebrows.


how to apply

As part of the N°1 DE CHANEL line’s eco-responsible approach, N°1 DE CHANEL REVITALIZING EYE SERUM can be refilled as many times as desired, limiting its carbon footprint. Simply keep the applicator from the original bottle and insert it into each refill.

CHANEL has developed LE GESTE BEAUTÉ DU REGARD N°1 DE CHANEL, a specific application technique designed to complement the combined effects of N°1 DE CHANEL REVITALIZING EYE SERUM and N°1 DE CHANEL REVITALIZING EYE CREAM.

Morning and evening, dot the serum around the entire eye area. Use the applicator to smooth across the upper eyelid, from the inner corner outward. Then, smooth the area around the outer corner. For the under-eye area, start at the outer corner and smooth toward the temple, working closer to the inner corner with each stroke. Repeat all gestures 3 times. Next, smooth the frown lines in an upward direction, followed by the eyebrows, moving from the inner edges to the tips.

Apply the eye cream with your fingertips, smoothing from the inner corner of the eye outward. When used together, these 2 formulas reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.


*Patent pending in Europe, the United States, China, Japan and South Korea
**Self-assessment by 44 women immediately after application
***Instrumental evaluation of 20 women immediately after using N°1 DE CHANEL REVITALIZING EYE SERUM with the applicator
****Clinical evaluation of 22 women after 4 weeks of use
*****Clinical evaluation of crow’s-feet and frown lines of 43 women after 8 weeks of use
******Clinical evaluation of 22 women after 8 weeks of use
*******Clinical evaluation of 43 women after 8 weeks of use
********According to the ISO 16128 standard
*********Compared to the average weight of CHANEL bottles and jars of similar capacity. Applies to N°1 DE CHANEL eye serum, eye cream, serum, cream, serum-in-mist, foundation, lip and cheek balm and L’EAU ROUGE.
**********Inks composed of organic molecules, which require lower heating temperatures, so they consume less energy than other inks

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