DECORTE – Eye Glow Gem Skin Shadow

(1,084 пойнт)

DECORTE Eye Glow Gem Skin Shadow
Become shadow, become light. Even the skeleton is beautiful. Completion. A translucent and luminous eye color with a skin tone glow.
Manipulate light and shadow with a single color and impersonate the skin. Beautifully charms bare skin, bone structure, and even facial features. 30 skin tone colors with a sense of blood color, like an extension of the skin color. Enhances the beauty of each and every one of you. Two textures, Dewy Glow with a wet sheen and Silky Matte with a humid matte finish, create a variety of looks. Elastic bouncy touch. Spreads lightly on the eyelid and adheres evenly. Adheres more closely to the skin, not only preventing smudging, but also ensuring long-lasting color and luster.
July, 2023 Released
Eye Glow Gem has been renewed.
Part numbers with “G” are Dewy Glow type, and those with “M” are Silky Matte type.
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
Захиалгын тэмдэглэл хэсэгт сонгосон өнгөө бичнэ үү.
- Хүргэлт болон Үйлчилгээний Нөхцөл
🔺Төлбөр ба захиaлга баталгаажилт
Төлбөр нь бараа бүтээгдэхүүний үнэ, тээврийн зардлын нийлбэр хамтдаа үнийн ‘Нийт дүн’ болно. Төлбөрийг дараах хоёр сонголтоос сонгож төлөх боломжтой.
🔹Банкны дансаар төлөх
Манай Голомт банкны дансанд төлбөрийг шилжүүлнэ. Гүйлгээний утга хэсэгт захиалгын дугаарыг заавал бичиж тодотгоно.
Хэрэв дансаар шилжүүлэх бол, захиалга өгсний дараа 7 хоногийн дотор манай данс руу захиалгын ‘Нийт’ төлбөрийг гуйвуулж, бид дансаа шалгаснаар төлбөр баталгаажна.
🔹Кредит картаар төлөх
Манайх олон улсын кредит картын систем (VISA, MASTER, AMEX, DISCOVER, JCB) нэвтрүүлж хэрэглэгчдэдээ дэлхийн дэвшилтэд технологи, түүний нууцлал, баталгаажилттай хөл нийлүүлэн алхах боломжийг олгоно.
Хэрэглэгч кредит картаар төлсөн тохиолдолд картын систем таны картыг шалгаад асуудалгүйг батлан тэр даруйдаа төлбөр баталгаажна.
*Бүх барааг төлбөр төлсний дараа явуулна.🔺Тээвэрлэлт ба хүргэлт
Таны захилгыг бид Токио хотоос Улаанбаатар хот руу баталгаат агаарын тээврээр илгээнэ. Ачаа Монголд очсоны дараа манай ажилтан гэрийн хаягийн дагуу хүргэж өгнө. Монголд хүргэлт үнэгүй.
🔺Тээвэрлэлтийн төлбөр
🔹500 мянган төгрөгөөс доош үнийн дүнтэй захиалгад, ачааны төлбөр жингээр бодогдоно. Japan Post Олон улсын илгээмж Парсел-ын боломжит хамгийн хямд үнээр манай систем автоматаар сагсан доторх бүтээгдэхүүний тооцоог гаргах тул та төлбөр хийх хуудсан дээр нийт дүнг даруй мэдэж авах боломжтой.
🔹500 мянган төгрөгөөс дээш үнийн дүнтэй захиалгад тээврийн зардлыг ‘Happy Tokyo’-оос гаргаж, эрхэм худалдан авагч танд тухайн захиалгаа үнэгүй тээвэрлүүлэх урамшуулалт үйлчилгээ үзүүлж байна.
🔺Тээвэрлэлтийн хугацаа
Та төлбөрөө төлж захилгаа баталгаажуулсны дараа, бид ойролцоогоор ажлын 3 хоногт агаарын ачаанд өгнө. Хэрэв заасан хугацаанд ачаанд өгөх боломжгүй тохиолдолд урьдчилж захиалагчтай зөвшилцөнө.
Агаарын тээвэрлэлт энгийн үед ойролцоогоор ажлын 7-14 хоногт хүргэгдэнэ.
*Шинэ жил, цагаан сар мөн олон улсын баярын өдрүүд давхцах гэх мэт ачаалал ихтэй үед товлосон хугацаанаас хоцрох тохиолдол гарч болзошгүй тул захиалагч үүнийг ойлгож хүлээцтэй хандаж, эртчилэн захилгаа өгөхийг хүсэж байна.
🔺Гаалийн татвар
Ачаа Монголд буусны дараа нэг бүтээгдэхүүн 2-оос дээш байвал гаалийн татвар авах учраас 1 хүн 2 ширхэг хүртэл, хэрэв санамсаргүй тохиолдлоор татвар төлөх шаардлага гарсан бол хүлээн авагч төлөх болохыг анхаарна уу.
🔺Захиалга цуцлах
Захиалга өгсний дараа 2 хоногийн дотор цуцалж болно. *Хэрэв таныг цуцлах хүсэлт гаргахаас өмнө таны ачааг ачаанд өгсөн тохиолдолд цуцлах боломжгүйг анхаарна уу.
🔺Төлбөр буцаах
Хэрэв та төлбөрөө кредит картаар төлсөн бол бид таны цуцалсан төлбөрийг кредит карт руу тань буцааж олгох болно. Кредит картын компаниас шалтгаалж буцаж ортол 7-14 хоног зарцуулагдах тохиолдол бий.
Хэрэв та төлбөрөө банкны дансаар гуйвуулсан бол, бид тантай холбогдож цуцалсан төлбөрийг банкны данс руу тань буцаан олгох болно. Банкны шимтгэл тусдаа гарсан тохиолдолд шимтгэлийг хасна гэдгийг анхаарна уу.
🔺Зарагдсан барааг буцаах
Ачааг агаараар тээвэрлэх учир зарагдсан барааг буцаах боломжгүй тул та худалдан авалтаа хянуур хийнэ үү.
Холбоо барих
Имэйл 📧
- Асуулт асуух
- Acne care
- age Supplement
- Aging care - Хөгшрөлтийн эсрэг
- amino acid
- amino vital
- bcaa
- be Legend
- Clear
- Cosme Decorte
- Diet
- dior
- fat-burner
- in-bar protein
- Made in Japan
- mascara
- Medicated - Эмтэй
- mens
- moist care
- OIC - Ойший Амтат Уураг
- protein bar
- Sensitive skin
- sk-2
- whey protein
- Whitening
- wpc
- wpi
- Алкохол-гүй
- Батга арчлах
- Витамин C
- Дайэт
- Калори хязгаарлагч
- Нарны хамгаалалттай
- Насны нэмэлт
- Нүүр цэвэрлэгч
- Тураадаг сапплемент
- Хуурай арьсанд
- Эмзэг арьсанд
- Японы засгийн газрын баталгаатай
- арьс чийгээ барьдаг болно
- шанель
- эрэгтэй гоо сайхан
- Үнэргүй
- үрчлээний серум
- Өнгөгүй
- өөх шатаана
Холбогдох бүтээгдэхүүн
(2,035 пойнт)
DECORTE The Skin Cushion Foundation Fresh 11g
A cushion foundation with a moist texture that blends quickly to create a natural-looking, glowing skin that brings out the true beauty of bare skin
The translucent veil instantly covers pores, dullness, and uneven skin tone. The beautiful texture of the freshly applied foundation lasts. Protects skin from UV rays, dust, and other external irritants. Suitable for all seasons.
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
1 trillion* multilayered bio-liposomes in 1 drop. A liposome serum that melts into the skin and brightens its beauty. Calculated as 0.1mL per drop (approximate value)
1 trillion*1 ultra-fine 0.1 micron*2 microcapsules of “new multilayered bio-liposomes “*4, which are made of phospholipids, a biocomposition component, and luxuriously contain beauty ingredients in their onion-like layers, blend into the skin to create a fresh impression full of moisture, firmness and luminosity. This new liposome serum penetrates deeply into the keratinized skin layer, leaving a fresh impression. The capsules penetrate to the deepest layers of the skin and adhere perfectly to the skin. The capsules deliver moisture and beauty ingredients little by little, slowly and for a long time. The capsules slowly and steadily deliver moisture and beauty ingredients over a long period of time. Long-lasting moisture. Protects skin while retaining moisture even in harsh environments with low humidity, and keeps skin healthy and resilient to external stresses such as dryness. Boosting effect. Richly moisturizing yet non-sticky, fresh and oil-free. It is hypoallergenic, blending deeply and gently into dry skin. Delicate and pleasant tea green floral fragrance that envelops the skin and mind. Positive feelings.
*1 Particle size in the 0.1 micron range *2 Calculated as 0.1 mL per drop (approximate value) *3 Efficacy evaluation tested *4 Skin conditioning ingredient Helps diminish fine lines and wrinkles caused by dryness (*Efficacy evaluation tested).
Allergy tested, patch tested, stinging tested, non-comedogenic tested (this does not mean that allergy or skin irritation does not occur, irritation does not occur, or comedones (source of acne) do not form) Hypoallergenic formula, paraben free, alcohol (ethyl alcohol) free, synthetic surfactant free, mineral oil free
Renewal product on sale September 16, 2021
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
(2,582 пойнт)
Highly functional intensive care mask that works on the dermis and epidermis to improve wrinkles around the eyes and mouth
The concentrated serum is quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving it plumped up, glowing, and firm. iP-Solution AD* is used to deliver the concentrated serum to areas of concern. The advanced capsule technology is applied to deliver the product to the areas of concern. *Contains rice embryo bud oil, Japanese Kelp extract (1), seaweed extract (5), hydrolyzed black bean extract, and concentrated glycerin (moisturizer). Allergy tested (not all people are allergic to this product). Moisturizing ingredients: okra extract, hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid, and concentrated glycerin.
Released on June 16, 2020
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
(3,532 пойнт)
DECORTE AQ skin forming cushion foundation 15g
This cushion foundation gives a high quality shine and elasticity, and even the bone structure of the skin is made beautifully attractive by simply covering the skin with it.
It spreads with an entrancingly smooth touch and creates a veil of light that accentuates the beauty of bare skin. It is filled with moisture each time it is used, leaving the skin with a high-quality luster and firmness that does not show pores, uneven coloration, or unevenness. *Contains white mulberry extract (ingredient that gives elasticity), white birch water, osmanthus root extract, phospholipids, rice sterol, and vegetable squalane (all moisturizing ingredients). Protects skin from UV rays during the day and prevents sun spots and freckles caused by sunburn. Suitable for all seasons. The fragrance is a soothing scent made from essential oils (natural fragrance).
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
(1,852 пойнт)
Covers spots and freckles while moisturizing. A cream-type concealer that does not break out easily even under perspiration or sebum.
Protects the skin from UV rays during the day and prevents spots and freckles caused by sunburn. Comforting fragrance made with essential oils (natural fragrance). Paraben free. Allergy tested (not all people are allergic to this product)
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
Захиалгын тэмдэглэл хэсэгт өнгө бичнэ үү.
At that moment, a sense of vitality overflows. A new dimension of lotion that the skin encounters for the first time.
COSME DECORTE has long been researching multilayer liposome technology. For this lotion, we developed a new type of liposome with two types of activating phospholipids that contain new beauty ingredients. A new active approach to the stratum corneum. Focusing on the stratum corneum’s ability to hold moisture. Quickly approaches the stratum corneum and awakens its beauty. This functional lotion gives the skin a sense of vitality and liveliness. It keeps the skin moist and bouncy by applying a sense of firmness and luster to each and every texture. Paraben-free and allergy-tested (not all people are allergic to this product). Herbal spicy floral fragrance with a sense of freshness and comfort.
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
(10,387 пойнт)
DECORTE AQ Absolute Treatment Cream elastic 50g
A sense of vitality that overflows. A night cream that melts into the warmth of the skin, giving it elasticity and luster.
It spreads over the skin with a rich and smooth texture, enveloping the skin in deep moisture while you sleep*. Skin becomes supple, firm and luminous as if its density** has been increased. *Even the skin’s keratinized layer **Keep skin moist and supple
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
(2,217 пойнт)
DECORTE AQ AQ Radiance Airy Cream Wash 125g
Pore-polishing fine particle foam
Soft, fine-grained, superb foam for anti-aging care of pores.
Contains carefully selected beauty ingredients x No friction x Long-lasting fine-particle foam
Long-lasting, fine-particle foam smaller than pores penetrates deep into pores,
The long-lasting, fine-foam particles penetrate deep into pores to remove dead skin cells that cause accumulated dirt, oxidized sebum, and dullness.
The fine foam with carefully selected beauty ingredients cleanses the skin comfortably.
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
(3,561 пойнт)
DECORTE AQ Absolute Treatment Emulsion 200mL
A “glossy pre-milky lotion” that moisturizes the keratinized skin layer with a rich penetrating sensation, and plumps it up with a shining luster and elasticity.
It absorbs into skin that tends to become hard due to dryness* and conditions the skin with moisture, leaving it soft and supple with a firmness and luster that seems to spring up from the skin. It also conditions the skin so that it can easily absorb the skincare products to be used afterwards. *Down to the skin’s outer layers
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
<How to use>
Apply morning and night before toner.
Press the pump twice onto a cotton pad and apply to skin.
(2,035 пойнт)
Skin is clarified by the light. A light face powder that softly blends into the skin.
Light blends on the skin to create an elegant, clear finish that beautifully glamorizes the skin itself. This light face powder blends into the skin with an exquisite silky touch.
Released in January 2024.
Face powder with puff.
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
(1,152 пойнт)
Moisturizing Tone-Up UV that protects moisture and luminosity
A natural-coverage, tone-up CC with a comfortable skincare touch that enhances the skin’s natural beauty with an essence cream base that protects moisture and shine.
01 Light Beige: Light beige that blends well with the skin
02 Beige: Beige that blends well with the skin
10 Lavender Rose: A tone-up lavender that brings out the natural luster and blood tone of bare skin
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Released in February 2023.
Made in Japan
Захиалгын тэмдэглэл хэсэгт сонгосон өнгөө бичнэ үү.
(1,228 пойнт)
A primer that moisturizes like a beauty essence and gives skin a luminous glow while preserving the skin’s natural look and feel.
Instantly covers pores, uneven coloration, and unevenness. Leaves skin smooth and even. Improves foundation application and wear. Allergy tested (not all people are allergic to this product).
Released on March 16, 2021
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
<How to use>
Use after preparing skin with skin care. Take 1-2 pumps of primer, dot onto chin, cheeks, nose and forehead. Spread an even layer all over face. Follow with foundation.
Do not use chlorine bleach on stains. Wipe the mouth of the pump clean and close cap after each use. Do not stay too long in the sun, even while using a sunscreen product.
Одоогоор сэтгэгдэл байхгүй байна.