Aрьс арчилгаа
Бренд: ASTALIFT MEN, FUJIFILMASTALIFT MEN Jelly Aquarista 413,000₮
(4,130 пойнт)ASTALIFT MEN Jelly Aquarista 60g
Healthy skin! The first advantage. The only “red jelly” for men *1 Focusing on the skin’s natural ability to retain moisture. W human-type nano-ceramide *2 and nano astaxanthin *3, moisturizing ingredients miniaturized by our unique nanoscience, penetrate into every nook and cranny of the stratum corneum. This is a new type of jelly serum to be used before lotion, which helps men’s skin*4, which is easily damaged, to become radiantly moist and supple.
(1,507 пойнт)ASTALIFT MEN Moist Emulsion 80mL
A moisture barrier for men’s skin problems.
Red emulsion This emulsion balances the moisture and oil content of men’s skin*1, which is vulnerable to damage, and leaves it firm, bright, and glowing.
(1,411 пойнт)ASTALIFT MEN Moist Lotion 120mL
For men’s skin that lacks moisture.
Red Lotion
Delivers the power of red “nano astaxanthin*2” and plenty of moisture to men’s skin*1, which is easily damaged*3,
3, and a lotion to make skin resilient and supple. -
(1,862 пойнт)ASTALIFT MEN Starter Kit
(Set includes)
- Astalift Men Moist Clear Wash 25g
- Astalift Men Jelly Aquarista 14g
- Astalift Men Moist Lotion 30mL
- Astalift Men Moist Emulsion 20mL
Benefique – Reset Clear N 200mL 149,000₮
(1,490 пойнт)Шисэйдо Бенефик (Shiseido Benefique) – Reset Clear N 200mL
Арьс арчилгааны хамгийн эхэнд хэрэглэж агаарын бохирдол болон үхсэн арьсыг зөөлөн гуужуулж арчих Эссэнц.
- Агаарын бохирдлоос үүдэлтэй сөрөг нөлөөг бүхлээр нь арчина
- Үхсэн эсийг гуужуулж өгнө
- Арьс оксидант-жихаас сэргийлнэ
- Толбо, сэвх үүсэхээс хамгаална
Зөвхөн Японы зах зээлд өөрийнхөө үнэнч хэрэглэгчдэдээ зориулан, хамгийн дээд зэрэглэлийн түүхий эд, технологи ашиглан үйлдвэрлэсэн Шисэйдогийн мэргэжлийн гоо сайхны дэлгүүрт зарагддаг онцгой бүтэгдэхүүнүүдийг санал болгож байна.
Benefique – Serum 355,000₮
(3,550 пойнт)Шисэйдо Бенефик (Shiseido Benefique Serum 50mL) – Бүүстэр Серум 50мл (2023 оны намар/өвлийн шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн)
Энэхүү Бүүстер серумыг нүүрээ угаагаад шууд буюу арьс арчилгааны өмнө хэрэглэнэ.
- Нуугдмал далд хуурайшилтаас ч сэргийлдэг улаан жимс агуулсан өндөр чийгшүүлэгч сэрумТунгалаг гель нь агшин зуур арьсанд шингэх үед улаан бөмбөлөгүүд хагарч арьсны гүнд уусан нэвтэрдэг сэрум бэлдмэл.
- Эвэрлэгийн давхаргын эс бүрийг чийгшүүлж, далд хуурайшилтаас хамгаалдаг улаан жимс агуулсан өндөр чийгшүүлэгч хөгшрөлтийн эсрэг гайхалтай үр дүн үзүүлж арьс арчилгааны шинэ технологид суурилсан шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн юм
- Нүх сүвийг илт багасгана
- Хуурайшилтаас үүссэн нарийн үрчлээг мэдэгдэхүйц багасгана. (Үр дүнтэй байдлын үнэлгээ нь туршилтаар батлагдсан)
- Насны онцлогт тохирсон чийгшүүлэгч арчилгаа
- Батгашуулахгүй, харшлын шинжилгээнд хамрагдсан бүтээгдэхүүн.
Зөвхөн Японы зах зээлд өөрийнхөө үнэнч хэрэглэгчдэдээ зориулан, хамгийн дээд зэрэглэлийн түүхий эд, технологи ашиглан үйлдвэрлэсэн Шисэйдогийн мэргэжлийн гоо сайхны дэлгүүрт зарагддаг онцгой бүтэгдэхүүнүүдийг Хаппи Токио онлайн дэлгүүрээс санал болгож байна.
Benefique – Emulsion208,000₮208,000₮
Шисэйдо Бенефик (Shiseido Benefique Emulsion 150mL) – Чийгшүүлэгч сүүн шингэн тос /Эмульс/ 150мл
2024 оны шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн
- Арьс чангаруулж, булбарай, зөөлөн, тунгалаг болгох чийгшүүлэгч сүүн шингэн /Эмульс/
- Арьсыг гүн угаас нь чийгшүүлж, чийгийг удаан хадгалж гоо сайхан байдлыг төгс цогцлох онцлогтой.
- Эвэрлэг давхаргын гүнд нэвтэрч бат бөх, уян хатан, байдлыг бий болгон меланин ялгаруулалтыг дарж, сэвх, толбо үүсэхээс сэргийлнэ.
- Ургамлын гаралтай найрлага агуулсан тул цэцэгсийн анхилуун үнэрээр таныг тайвшруулж бие сэтгэлээр нь гоо үзэсгэлэн болгоно.
- Харшил төрүүлэхгүй байхаар зохиогдож, лабораторийн шинжилгээ хийгдсэн бүтээгдэхүүн. *Гэвч энэ нь бүх хүнд харшил өгөхгүй гэсэн үг биш болно.
Зөвхөн Японы зах зээлд өөрийнхөө үнэнч хэрэглэгчдэдээ зориулан, хамгийн дээд зэрэглэлийн түүхий эд, технологи ашиглан үйлдвэрлэсэн Шисэйдогийн мэргэжлийн гоо сайхны дэлгүүрт зарагддаг онцгой бүтэгдэхүүнүүдийг Хаппи Токио онлайн дэлгүүрээс санал болгож байна.
Benefique Emulsion C ← Тослог арьсных, тослог багатай, тэгэхдээ сайн чийгшүүлдэг шинэ технологийн тунгалаг (өнгөгүй) тос
Benefique Emulsion I ← Энгийн болон Холимог арьсных, тослогын баланс барьсан
Benefique Emulsion Ⅱ ← Хуурай арьсных, тослог өндөр
Чийгшүүлэлтийн хувьд бүгд ижилхэн чийгшүүлэх учир өөрт тохирсон тослогын хэмжээг сонгох нь чухал. -
Бренд: BenefiqueBenefique Lotion168,000₮168,000₮
Shiseido Benefique Lotion – Чийгшүүлэгч Лосьон 200mL
2024 оны шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн
- Арьс чангаруулж, булбарай, зөөлөн, тунгалаг болгох чийгшүүлэгч
- Арьсыг гүн угаас нь чийгшүүлж, чийгийг удаан хадгалж гоо сайхан байдлыг төгс цогцлох онцлогтой.
- Эвэрлэг давхаргын гүнд нэвтэрч бат бөх, уян хатан, байдлыг бий болгон меланин ялгаруулалтыг дарж, сэвх, толбо үүсэхээс сэргийлнэ.
- Ургамлын гаралтай найрлага агуулсан тул цэцэгсийн анхилуун үнэрээр таныг тайвшруулж бие сэтгэлээр нь гоо үзэсгэлэн болгоно.
- Харшил төрүүлэхгүй байхаар зохиогдож, лабораторийн шинжилгээ хийгдсэн бүтээгдэхүүн. *Гэвч энэ нь бүх хүнд харшил өгөхгүй гэсэн үг биш болно.
Зөвхөн Японы зах зээлд өөрийнхөө үнэнч хэрэглэгчдэдээ зориулан, хамгийн дээд зэрэглэлийн түүхий эд, технологи ашиглан үйлдвэрлэсэн Шисэйдогийн мэргэжлийн гоо сайхны дэлгүүрт зарагддаг онцгой бүтэгдэхүүнүүдийг Хаппи Токио онлайн дэлгүүрээс санал болгож байна.
Бренд: DECORTEDECORTE ADVANCED iP.Shot MASK 2x12pcs 258,240₮
(2,582 пойнт)DECORTE ADVANCED iP.Shot MASK 2x12pcs
Highly functional intensive care mask that works on the dermis and epidermis to improve wrinkles around the eyes and mouth
The concentrated serum is quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving it plumped up, glowing, and firm. iP-Solution AD* is used to deliver the concentrated serum to areas of concern. The advanced capsule technology is applied to deliver the product to the areas of concern. *Contains rice embryo bud oil, Japanese Kelp extract (1), seaweed extract (5), hydrolyzed black bean extract, and concentrated glycerin (moisturizer). Allergy tested (not all people are allergic to this product). Moisturizing ingredients: okra extract, hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid, and concentrated glycerin.
Released on June 16, 2020
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
Бренд: DECORTEDECORTE AQ Absolute Treatment Cream elastic 50g Шөнийн тос 1,038,720₮
(10,387 пойнт)DECORTE AQ Absolute Treatment Cream elastic 50g
A sense of vitality that overflows. A night cream that melts into the warmth of the skin, giving it elasticity and luster.
It spreads over the skin with a rich and smooth texture, enveloping the skin in deep moisture while you sleep*. Skin becomes supple, firm and luminous as if its density** has been increased. *Even the skin’s keratinized layer **Keep skin moist and supple
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
Бренд: DECORTEDECORTE AQ Absolute Treatment Day Cream Awakening Protect SPF15/PA++ 50g 647,040₮
(6,470 пойнт)DECORTE AQ Absolute Treatment Day Cream SPF15/PA++ 50g – Өдрийн тос
Instantly becomes one with the skin. This day cream protects the skin from UV rays and dryness during the day, giving it a radiant transparency.
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
Бренд: DECORTEDECORTE AQ Absolute Treatment Emulsion 200mL 356,160₮
(3,561 пойнт)DECORTE AQ Absolute Treatment Emulsion 200mL
A “glossy pre-milky lotion” that moisturizes the keratinized skin layer with a rich penetrating sensation, and plumps it up with a shining luster and elasticity.
It absorbs into skin that tends to become hard due to dryness* and conditions the skin with moisture, leaving it soft and supple with a firmness and luster that seems to spring up from the skin. It also conditions the skin so that it can easily absorb the skincare products to be used afterwards. *Down to the skin’s outer layers
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
<How to use>
Apply morning and night before toner.
Press the pump twice onto a cotton pad and apply to skin. -
Бренд: DECORTEDECORTE Comfort Day Mist Balancing Moisture 60mL 115,200₮
(1,152 пойнт)DECORTE Comfort Day Mist Balancing Moisture 60mL
A mist-type moisture lotion that gives freshness, shine, and firmness, and regulates moisture balance.
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
From the root of beauty. A new blow to wrinkles. A wrinkle-improving serum. New iP.Shot
Improves wrinkles by approaching from the epidermis and dermis. A highly functional “wrinkle-improving serum” that transforms signs of effectiveness into a solid response, and prepares the skin for a firmness and radiance that pushes up the skin.
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
Бренд: DECORTEDECORTE Liposome Advanced Repair Cream 354,240₮
(3,542 пойнт)DECORTE Liposome Advanced Repair Cream 50g
1 trillion night capsules travel around the skin, Skin is enriched with firmness, luster, and elasticity.
Even if you are sleep deprived, your skin will look as if you slept 3 hours longer.Focusing on beauty during sleep, 1 trillion*1 night capsules travel across the skin to provide intense firmness, luster, and elasticity. 1 Calculated as 1g per use (approximate value)
Night multi-layered bio-liposomes (night capsules) are 0.1-0.4 micron microcapsules made of bio-composition ingredients* that contain beauty ingredients in their many layers. They slowly unwind from the outside, layer by layer, and continue to release beauty, giving the skin a firmness and radiant luster that feels as if it is being pushed back into the skin. It quickly and beautifully rebuilds the skin after application and has an excellent shielding effect, keeping moisture in place for a long time. *Phospholipids
Released in September 2022.
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
Бренд: DECORTEDECORTE Liposome Advanced Repair Eye Serum 276,480₮
(2,764 пойнт)DECORTE Liposome Advanced Repair Eye Serum 20mL
Highly concentrated double capsules (1.6 trillion*1) for long-lasting moisture replenishment “Multi-layered bio-liposomes” × “Newly developed nano bicelles” that go around the eye area where skin problems such as dryness, fine lines, and lack of firmness are likely to occur and keep moisture in place for a radiant, fresh impression morning and night. This eye serum was developed with the eyes, which are overworked on a daily basis, in mind.
New product on sale March 16, 2023
The skin around the eyes has a thin stratum corneum, and the newly developed “Nano Bicelle” is a disc-shaped single-layer capsule of 0.02 to 0.07 microns that contains human ceramide, which is naturally present in the skin. This is a multifunctional serum for the eye area with a double capsule design that combines “NanoBicelle” with “multilayer bio-liposome,” a 0.1 micron*2 spherical multilayer capsule that luxuriously contains beauty ingredients in its onion-like layers. Both NanoBicelle and multilayer bio-liposomes are skin-friendly capsules made of phospholipids, a biocomposition component. These two types of skin-beautifying capsules, 1.6 trillion per drop*3, penetrate into the stratum corneum, melting into the skin and leaving the eye area looking fresh, moist, and supple. It addresses the appearance of dullness, uneven texture, lack of firmness, fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes caused by dryness. The product reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles*4 and leaves the skin smooth, fine-textured, and supple. Long-lasting moisture care prevents dryness and eye area problems caused by dryness. This oil-free, fresh essence base spreads easily around the delicate eye area and blends in easily without any feeling of strain. It can be used in any season, morning or night. Low irritancy design that blends deeply and gently even on dry skin. Delicate and pleasant tea green floral fragrance that soothes the skin and mind. (Common to the Liposome series) The round part at the top of the metal cap can be used as a massager. The round part on the top of the metal cap can be used as a massager. The moderate stimulation is comfortable to use around the eyes. *1 High concentration means compared to conventional products / 1.6 trillion particles are calculated as 1 drop of 0.1 mL (approximate value) *2 Particle size in the 0.1 micron range *3 Calculated as 1 drop of 0.1 mL (approximate value) *4 Efficacy evaluation tests have been conducted.
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
1 trillion* multilayered bio-liposomes in 1 drop. A liposome serum that melts into the skin and brightens its beauty. Calculated as 0.1mL per drop (approximate value)
1 trillion*1 ultra-fine 0.1 micron*2 microcapsules of “new multilayered bio-liposomes “*4, which are made of phospholipids, a biocomposition component, and luxuriously contain beauty ingredients in their onion-like layers, blend into the skin to create a fresh impression full of moisture, firmness and luminosity. This new liposome serum penetrates deeply into the keratinized skin layer, leaving a fresh impression. The capsules penetrate to the deepest layers of the skin and adhere perfectly to the skin. The capsules deliver moisture and beauty ingredients little by little, slowly and for a long time. The capsules slowly and steadily deliver moisture and beauty ingredients over a long period of time. Long-lasting moisture. Protects skin while retaining moisture even in harsh environments with low humidity, and keeps skin healthy and resilient to external stresses such as dryness. Boosting effect. Richly moisturizing yet non-sticky, fresh and oil-free. It is hypoallergenic, blending deeply and gently into dry skin. Delicate and pleasant tea green floral fragrance that envelops the skin and mind. Positive feelings.
*1 Particle size in the 0.1 micron range *2 Calculated as 0.1 mL per drop (approximate value) *3 Efficacy evaluation tested *4 Skin conditioning ingredient Helps diminish fine lines and wrinkles caused by dryness (*Efficacy evaluation tested).
Allergy tested, patch tested, stinging tested, non-comedogenic tested (this does not mean that allergy or skin irritation does not occur, irritation does not occur, or comedones (source of acne) do not form) Hypoallergenic formula, paraben free, alcohol (ethyl alcohol) free, synthetic surfactant free, mineral oil free
Renewal product on sale September 16, 2021
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
Бренд: DECORTEDECORTE Liposome Treatment Liquid370,000₮232,000₮ – 370,000₮
At that moment, a sense of vitality overflows. A new dimension of lotion that the skin encounters for the first time.
COSME DECORTE has long been researching multilayer liposome technology. For this lotion, we developed a new type of liposome with two types of activating phospholipids that contain new beauty ingredients. A new active approach to the stratum corneum. Focusing on the stratum corneum’s ability to hold moisture. Quickly approaches the stratum corneum and awakens its beauty. This functional lotion gives the skin a sense of vitality and liveliness. It keeps the skin moist and bouncy by applying a sense of firmness and luster to each and every texture. Paraben-free and allergy-tested (not all people are allergic to this product). Herbal spicy floral fragrance with a sense of freshness and comfort.
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
Eye cream with multi-layered Liposome Technology.
A lightweight gel with heavyweight performance that moisturizes, firms and brightens the delicate skin around the eyes. Combining a high concentration of multi-layered Liposome Technology™ and Polyglutamic Acid, it delivers deep moisture and self-hydrating power for all-day comfort. Instantly, the appearance of fine lines are relieved, skin is more resilient and overall texture improved. Oil-free.
At night, before applying cream, and in the morning, before applying makeup base, take 1 grain of rice (enough for one eye) and apply around the eye area with fingertips.
Water, BG, glycerin, glycosyl trehalose, hydrogenated lecithin, ethanol, hydrolyzed hydrogenated starch, ginkgo biloba leaf extract, oyster extract, oibana salisbury leaf extract, ginseng root extract, tocopherol nicotinate, palmitoyl pentapeptide 4, sodium hyaluronate, polyglutamic acid, carbomer, cholesterol, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, polysorbate 20, sodium hydroxide, sodium lactate, methylparaben, fragrance
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
(2,668 пойнт)DECORTE MOISTURE LIPOSOME MASK 20mL x 6 sheets
Multilayered liposomes containing moisture ingredients intensively penetrate into the stratum corneum to retain the necessary moisture in the skin.
This sheet mask gives moisture-filled elasticity and freshness to skin that is concerned about dullness and flakiness caused by dryness, leaving it looking radiant and smooth. Allergy tested (not all people are allergic to this product)
“COSME DECORTÉ” is Kose’s prestige brand.
Made in Japan
Санал болгох бүтээгдэхүүн
(1,490 пойнт)